Metabolic rate and cardiovascular disease
To understand the relationship between metabolic rate and cardiovascular disease, you must first know a bit more about the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that has everything to do with a person's individual metabolism. Each of the conditions that constitute the metabolic syndrome is known to increase the risk of heart disease.
Depending on the origin of the disease, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, abdominal obesity in the region, a low level of HDL cholesterol (which is regarded as the good cholesterol), hypertension and . As you can see, all these pathologies are aware of the warning signs of serious heart problems, with serious consequences if left untreated, at the right time, with appropriate drugs. Metabolic syndrome has been identified as fallout from a combination of a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and unbalanced, as well as genetic factors.
While there is continuing research to learn more about the metabolic syndrome and its relation to cardiovascular disease, it was proved beyond doubt that the syndrome increases the chances of developing a host of diseases involving the heart and blood vessels. They may eventually lead to a heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and often leads to the premature death of an individual.
World Health Organization (WHO) has defined specific criteria for the diagnosis of this syndrome. They can also be seen as risk factors, which are precursors to develop metabolic syndrome. These include: •
waist-A line of more than 40 inches, and 35 inches for women
• Elevated Triglycerides-greater than 150 mg / dL (1, 7 mmol per L)
• Low HDL cholesterol less than 35 mg / dL (0.9 mmol / L) for men and less than 39 mg of / dL (1.0 mmol / L) for women
• High Blood Pressure-greater than 130/85 mmHg
• Fasting Blood Sugar greater than 110 mg d '/ dL (6.1 mmol / L.)
• Type 2 Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance
• Inflammatory state-Elevated C-reactive protein in the blood
Incontrôlée obesity, the physical inactivity, consumption repeated and continuous treatment of carbohydrates, fatty acids and saturated fats are considered as predisposing factors for metabolic syndrome, which leads to a series of cardiovascular diseases.
Those who consume using more calories than we burn up are also at risk. In this way, we encourage the development of the grease. It is believed that if you have at least three of these risk factors mentioned, you have a good chance of developing heart disease, if you have all the risk factors, your chances of developing heart disease increase by 6 times. If you leave untreated metabolic syndrome, you can develop kidney and liver diseases and cancer.
treat metabolic syndrome or even to control its spread is relatively simple, if you follow a few good options and healthy lifestyle and most importantly, if you lose weight.
Even a loss of 5 to 10% of your body weight can contribute to a substantial improvement of the condition. Deletion of processed foods, including flour and white sugar from your diet.
Instead, increase the consumption of whole grains, beans and foods rich in fiber. Have lots of fruits and vegetables. Increased consumption of monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) should improve your state as well.
Depending on the origin of the disease, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, abdominal obesity in the region, a low level of HDL cholesterol (which is regarded as the good cholesterol), hypertension and . As you can see, all these pathologies are aware of the warning signs of serious heart problems, with serious consequences if left untreated, at the right time, with appropriate drugs. Metabolic syndrome has been identified as fallout from a combination of a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and unbalanced, as well as genetic factors.
While there is continuing research to learn more about the metabolic syndrome and its relation to cardiovascular disease, it was proved beyond doubt that the syndrome increases the chances of developing a host of diseases involving the heart and blood vessels. They may eventually lead to a heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and often leads to the premature death of an individual.
World Health Organization (WHO) has defined specific criteria for the diagnosis of this syndrome. They can also be seen as risk factors, which are precursors to develop metabolic syndrome. These include: •
waist-A line of more than 40 inches, and 35 inches for women
• Elevated Triglycerides-greater than 150 mg / dL (1, 7 mmol per L)
• Low HDL cholesterol less than 35 mg / dL (0.9 mmol / L) for men and less than 39 mg of / dL (1.0 mmol / L) for women
• High Blood Pressure-greater than 130/85 mmHg
• Fasting Blood Sugar greater than 110 mg d '/ dL (6.1 mmol / L.)
• Type 2 Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance
• Inflammatory state-Elevated C-reactive protein in the blood
Incontrôlée obesity, the physical inactivity, consumption repeated and continuous treatment of carbohydrates, fatty acids and saturated fats are considered as predisposing factors for metabolic syndrome, which leads to a series of cardiovascular diseases.
Those who consume using more calories than we burn up are also at risk. In this way, we encourage the development of the grease. It is believed that if you have at least three of these risk factors mentioned, you have a good chance of developing heart disease, if you have all the risk factors, your chances of developing heart disease increase by 6 times. If you leave untreated metabolic syndrome, you can develop kidney and liver diseases and cancer.
treat metabolic syndrome or even to control its spread is relatively simple, if you follow a few good options and healthy lifestyle and most importantly, if you lose weight.
Even a loss of 5 to 10% of your body weight can contribute to a substantial improvement of the condition. Deletion of processed foods, including flour and white sugar from your diet.
Instead, increase the consumption of whole grains, beans and foods rich in fiber. Have lots of fruits and vegetables. Increased consumption of monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) should improve your state as well.